Becoming a Foster Home


At any given time, there are approximately 5,900 children in the Mississippi foster care system. In Lee county, the number has more than tripled in the past year (2017). The need for resource homes, or foster families, is great. If you are interested in more information, there are several steps you can take. 

  1. Pray about it! The role of a foster family is important, blessed, and difficult! We want to walk through every step of this process with you, but you will need the assurance that you in the will of God. Pray with your family about taking this step.

  2. Look at the requirements. These can be found at the MS website for foster families. This site has lots of information to look at!

  3. Ask some questions. We'd love to sit down over a cup of coffee and answer any questions you have about the process of becoming licensed, having your first "placement," preparing your heart and family for a new addition, etc. Please contact us! (see contact info at bottom)

  4. Take the next step. Once you've made the decision to become licensed, you'll need to fill out the initial application and submit it to CPS. You will be assigned a licensing worker, who will give you all the available options of training and take you through the entire process.


Helping Foster Families


How else can I help?

Don't feel called to foster but want to help? There are SO many ways to do that! From becoming a licensed respite home (to provide limited childcare for foster families, i.e. one or two nights, usually over a weekend), to praying for foster families as they have needs, we would love to help you find your niche of service. Please let us know what your particular call to service is so we can get you plugged in effectively.